Genome Science 2019
Edinburgh, September 3rd to 5th, 2019
Below we have some information on accessibility of the conference centre, and support for parents to join the conference.
The John McIntyre Conference centre is fully wheelchair accessible, though if you have any concerns about accessibility, please do not hesitate to contact us
The organisers of Genome Science understand that many participants have caring responsibilities and we are keen to support your attendance at the conference. You are welcome to bring babies to the conference and there are changing facilities available at the conference centre. We ask only that you let us know in advance so we can comply with insurance requirements and that you make reasonable efforts to ensure talks are not unnecessarily disrupted (though we understand that some disruption may be unavoidable).
This year we are also piloting a £200 carer’s grant, which can be applied for with this google form (applicants will be notified by mid-June).
Please also use the form to feedback any thoughts on caring provisions at the conference in the future as this something we are keen to develop. If you have any questions regarding caring at the conference or want to notify us of your intention to attend with a bub-in-tow, please contact Kate Baker